Grubido: [grə-bi-doʊ] noun, Slang.
A person devotedly interested in food, especially in cooking, eating, and in developing a palate for high-quality foods. grub + -ido, possibly taken from grub (slang term for food), along with the Nigerian slang term "grubido," meaning "a person who loves to eat."
We’re a company of food aficionados who loves to discuss, educate and cook international foods from all over the world. A food-focused website with an eye toward helping people from all over the world connect across one virtual table.
“Your Home for All Cultural Food”
Grubido Concepts
Food Facts
As international travel, immigration and globalized trade increased worldwide, the interest and attention of ethnic cuisine has risen
A third of people eat ethnic food at least once a week and 32% are willing to pay extra for authentic ethnic fare, according to a study
36% like to explore regional varieties of mainstream ethnic cuisines to try new foods and flavors
Projected U.S retail sales of International food 12.51 Billion
A message from our Founder
Kavachi, a long-time player in the Houston food scene, Kavachi, a third-generation food professional whose roots lie in Nigeria, has a passion for bringing people together through food. That passion has come to full fruition with Grubido, a company whose mission is to expand international food awareness to the mainstream market!
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